Shadowy Light

Sala Margana

3 - 8 April 2009

The 20 paintings of this exhibition, 'Ombrosa Luce', or 'Shadowy Light', are divided into 3 series; the first explores the shadows and the light of Rome, through the reflected images of monuments seen in shop windows, with a confusion of clothes and other objects mixed with reflected glimpses of the stones that symbolize rome. The 'Sleep' series of paintings is made up of a collection of studies of the folds in sheets, often wrapped around a sleeping female figure. These pictures are inspired not only by the bed itself, as the witness of so many of life's more intense moments, but also by the themes suggested by the madrigals of Claudio Monteverdi which tell stories of abandoned and suffering women, whose singing of their pain is itself an important part of their recovery. The final series is called 'Odyssey' and is inspired by the adventures of Ulysses. It imagines the characters of Ulyssey's story through modern day faces of people moving towards the end of their personal Odyssey; a man sits in a dark room studying his maps and thinks of his past, a woman stares out from the painting in an infinite state of expectation, men closed within themselves with unseeing eyes. These paintings are born of a passion for the stories around us, written in stone, in the folds of a sheet, and in our eyes.